The Bandit Lair (Sc. 2)
OR: That Lousy Treasure Chest Almost Killed Us
Coming off of the Toxic Moor side quest, we were feeling a little more confident about our characters. We headed back to the main quest line and queued up the second scenario (and first boss) of the game.
The scenario dropped us off in a tiny room with two archers and two traps. We laughed. Flow and GREM would make short work of these distractions…
GREM led with a hookshot (er, hookgun) that dragged the first archer into a nearby trap (comically, I would assume). He followed up with a ranged attack that drew a bonus — killing the second archer and converting the archer’s body into a glorious silver loot coin.
With the two archers dead or critically wounded in half a turn, Alana had Flow buff herself with Frost Armor and readied to plow down the door leading to the Bandit KING (ok, ok, Commander…).
You can tell which one the boss is because he’s BIGGER. This scenario had a little quirk to it: the Bandit King (er, Commander) opens one of four locked doors on about one third of his actions. The SECOND door has a treasure chest of unknowable loot within it! But the only way to reach it is to wait for the Bandit King to cycle through his actions opening the different doors.
We ran in and immediately maimed the Elite Archer and the Bandit King with some area attacks. The Elite Archer only got off one shot (absorbed by Flow’s Frost Armor) before dying. The Bandit King didn’t deal any damage.
Then we were kind of stuck… We didn’t want to finish off the Bandit King until he opened the treasure chest door, but we had already reduced his HP to 3 and he was wounded (bleeding away 1 damage each round!). GREM did the sensible thing and healed the poor King to keep him alive long enough to open the treasure door.
Flow summoned a Mystic Ally which finished off the trapped Archer from the entry room who had been limping along with 1 HP.
We patiently waited. Burning our action cards in the meantime…
Finally, the Bandit King opened the second door and we were able to put him out of his misery. Flow and her Mystic Ally kited around the lumbering Living Corpses (they move 1 space each turn) getting in range to loot the treasure chest.
GREM tried to fulfill his oath to the Blood God — his sworn pledge to die 12 times before he retires from this life of adventuring (Zealot of the Blood God quest). But the monsters weren’t strong enough! GREM didn’t take any damage in the last round and survived with a bucket of HP left. (How will he explain this to the Blood God??)
Alana however was nearly out of cards. Flow’s Mystic Ally finished off the last corpse. Alana then had Flow swoop in to open the treasure chest before running out of turns only to find…
10 gold.
Flow scooped up the gold, and we left the Bandit Lair and its dead King behind.
Looking for more of a challenge, we decided to head to:
But first, we needed to level.