The Crypt of the Damned (Sc. 4) — Attempt 2
OR: Hookgunning Your Way to Success
Things didn’t go well for us on our last attempt at the Crypt of the Damned. We burned through cards too fast. We took too much damage. We didn’t finish off enemies. It was a mess.
This time, everything was different.
Instead of going for flashy attacks, I had GREM immediately hookgun the archer into the nearby trap. Dead. Alana took her turn to buff and put out her Mystic Ally to draw fire. The Elite went down fast — but that quarrelsome generic skeleton stuck around just like last time. Thankfully, the Mystic Ally finally put him down for good.
We potshotted the first cultist through the door, pushed the bandit archers back (by getting too close for their liking!), and drew down the second cultist. This lined them up for Flow to…
…cause some havoc.
Meanwhile, GREM (proximity) mined the Earth Demon.
Flow and GREM hit the final room hard. Clustering the enemies together just in place for a…
And with that, the crypt was silent once again.
It seemed like we had succeeded. It seemed like we had won. Certainly — we had won according to the rules.
But GREM knew that he had failed.
Failed in his oath to the Blood God once again!
The campaign suggested that we head to another crypt. So we did. Apparently we’re just warrior-gravediggers for hire these days.